Notes and References
1) Albert Krehbiel: An American Impressionist, by Kim Coventry; Sonnenschien Gallery, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, Illinois; 1989; 11 pp., ill.
2) Krehbiel, Life and Works of an American Artist, by Robert Guinan; Regnery Gateway, Lanham, MD; 1991; 33 p., [67] p. of plates: ill. (most col.). ISBN 0-89526-533-8. (Available On-Line here)
3) Allegories of Justice, The Albert H. Krehbiel Murals in the Supreme Court Building of Illinois, cover article by Lizabeth (Betsy) Wilson; Journal of the Illinois Historical Society, ISSN 0019-2287, Spring 1984; pp. 2 -13.
4) Albert Krehbiel, Santa Fe Works, exhibition catalogue by Catherine Whitney; Gerald Peters Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1996; 35 pp., color ill.; ISBN-13: 978-0-935037-93-7, ISBN: 0-935037-93-4
5) Albert H. Krehbiel – An Architect’s Appreciation, article in Illinois Society of Architects, Monthly Bulletin; October – November 1945; Vol. 30, Nos. 4 – 5.
Albert H. Krehbiel – An Architect’s Appreciation, article in Illinois Society of Architects, Monthly Bulletin; October – November 1945; Vol. 30, Nos. 4 – 5.
Albert Henry Krehbiel, 1873-1945; Early American Impressionist, article by Rebecca F. Krehbiel (Mrs. Evans L.) in the Journal of the Illinois Historical Society, ISSN 0019-2287, Spring 1984; pp. 14 - 20. (Available online here.)
Albert H. Krehbiel, biography compiled for the Krehbiel family by Rebecca F. Krehbiel (Mrs. Evans L.); 1978; 16 pp., illus.
Albert Krehbiel: An American Impressionist, by Kim Coventry; Sonnenschien Gallery, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, Illinois; 1989; 11 pp., ill.
Albert Krehbiel, Santa Fe Works, exhibition catalogue by Catherine Whitney; Gerald Peters Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico; 1996; 35 pp., color ill. ; ISBN 0-935039-93-4.
Allegories of Justice, The Albert H. Krehbiel Murals in the Supreme Court Building of Illinois, cover article by Lizabeth (Betsy) Wilson; Journal of the Illinois Historical Society, ISSN 0019-2287, Spring 1984; pp. 2 -13.
Allegories of Justice, The Albert H. Krehbiel Murals in the Supreme Court Building of Illinois, research paper by Betsy Wilson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; presented at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Midwest Art Historical Society, Iowa City, Iowa, April 1st, 1983; 12 pp.
Art Across America, Two Centuries of Regional Painting, 1710-1920,Volume II; by William Gerdts; ; Abbeville Press, New York, 1990; p. 319.
Art and Architecture, section of El Palacio, vol. V, No. 13, October 19, 1918, p. 217; published by the Museum of New Mexico and the School of American Research.
Catalog of the First Exhibition of the National Society of Mural Painters, September 25th – October 26th, 1925, p. 7.; The Buffalo Fine Arts Academy Allbright Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York.
Community Planning, section in El Palacio, vol. VIII, No1-2, January 31, 1920, p. 51; published by the Museum of New Mexico and the School of American Research, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Fiesta Exhibition, including the Eleventh Annual Exhibit of Taos Society of Artists, section in El Palacio, Vol. XV, No. 6, September 15, 1923, pp.98-99; published by the Museum of New Mexico and the School of American Research, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Krehbiel, Life and Works of an American Artist, by Robert Guinan; Regnery Gateway, Lanham, MD; 1991; 33 p., [67] p. of plates: ill. (most col.).
Mural Paintings and Bad Boys, article in Architectural Record, January 1908, pp. 77-78.
The Annual Exhibition Record of the Art Institute of Chicago, 1888-1950; Peter Hastings Falk, editor, Andrea Ansell Bien, assistant editor; Sound View Press, 1990; pp. 525-526.
The Annual Exhibition Record of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1914-1968. Peter Hastings Falk, editor; 1989; 538 p.
The court of A. Krehbiel: A niche in the landscape of Illinois art, article by Steve Slack, Saturday Magazine, The State Journal Register; September 27, 1980; pp. 8A-9A; Springfield, Illinois.
The letters and writings of Albert Henry Krehbiel held in the archives of the Krehbiel Corporation, Evanston, Illinois. These letters and writings as well as further archival material on Albert Krehbiel are available on microfilm at the Smithsonian Institution Archives of American Art in Washington, DC, as well as at the Art Institute of Chicago's Ryerson and Burnham Librarie.
Much of the text and theme of this account of Albert Krehbiel’s life and works are derived from the following sources:
Albert Krehbiel: An American Impressionist, by Kim Coventry; Sonnenschien Gallery; Lake Forest College; Lake Forest, Illinois; 1989; 11 pp.,ill.
Allegories of Justice, The Albert H. Krehbiel Murals in the Supreme Court Building of Illinois, cover article by Lizabeth (Betsy) Wilson;
Journal of the Illinois Historical Society; ISSN 0019-2287; Spring 1984; pp. 2 –13.
Krehbiel, Life and Works of an American Artist, by Robert Guinan; Regnery Gateway, Washington, D.C.; 1991; 33 pp., [66] pp. of plates: ill. (most color)
Special thanks and appreciation to the late Jane Meyer of J. Meyer Fine Art, Elburn, Illinois, for her continuous contribution in researching the extensive writings, letters, and archival material of Albert Henry Krehbiel.
The authors of these sources deserve a great deal of the credit for this writing. Their diligent and exhaustive research and excellent artistic analysis helped to make this biography possible.
Donald T. Ryan, Jr.
Biography Author